Road Works / Diversions

 Bicester-Kings End 

Work commenced 15 May for urgent
gas main replacement works which are anticipated to be completed on 12
June 2023.

The effect of the Order is to temporarily prohibit any vehicle proceeding in the
section of Kings End between Kings Avenue and Middleton Stoney Road

The alternative route for traffic affected by the closure is via A4095, A41 and
A4095, A4421, A41 known as Bicester ring road. Local diversions will also

22nd May - 26th June 24 hours Overstreet H3 to H4 Neath Hill Watson & Cox (Construction) Ltd Construction of new bell mouth junction.  21 divert Monks Way - Marlborough Street (or Brickhill Street) - Dansteed Way (and vice versa).

24th May 0930-1230 Aspreys Olney Defects From its junction with Weston Road to its junction with Yardley Road. Service 21 divert High Street - Spring Lane - Spinney Hill Road - Weston Road - High Street - Yardley Road - Drift Way - Wellingborough Road - High Street.

22nd May - 26th June 24 hours Overstreet H3 to H4 Neath Hill Watson & Cox (Construction) Ltd Construction of new bell mouth junction.  21 divert Monks Way - Marlborough Street (or Brickhill Street) - Dansteed Way (and vice versa).